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A resounding YES!


When you stretch yourself just a little bit, you open new pathways for Life to come through, surprise and amaze you.

Stretching is nothing harsh against yourself.

It's only an extra loving step towards what is calling you. Stretching is only letting Life show you the way and letting your heart respond with eagerness, and joy with a resounding YES!

Your "YESses" (not sure about "yes" in plural!) are the keys that open new doors. A wholehearted, "wholebodied", "wholesouled" YES! is all you need to let it all in. Even if you have no idea about what "all" is ...

Open up and trust that powerful current that no obstacle can resist. You already know how fears and worries dissolve in the presence of your own inner Light, in its acknowledgement and its honoring.

Because that inner Light of yours shines constantly, whether you tend to it or not. But when you align with it, it expands in ways you are not aware of, because it impacts everything you touch.

One YES! after another. Every small YES! counts, even the tiny teeny ones. Especially those. Because they get you moving. Your small YESses are sparks that light up a powerful fire in your heart.

Honor your YESses!

Bless them!

They are Life within you asking to expand and take you on your next adventure.

They are Life breathing you in with dreams and ideas, and breathing you out with decisions and actions.

Your YESses are the magic you've been waiting for! Your doorway to yourself.

What would you say YES! to today?

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